With daily up­dates, read­ers can keep cur­rent on loc­al crime and com­pare crime levels across more than 200 neigh­bor­hoods and loc­al­it­ies. When vi­ol­ent or prop­erty crimes rise sharply in LAPD patrolled neigh­bor­hoods, the sys­tem de­liv­ers a crime alert. Long-term statistics, like the rankings to the left, are available for areas covered by LAPD and the sheriff.


If your neigh­bor­hood or city is not yet in­cluded, stay tuned. The Times has con­tac­ted all law en­force­ment agen­cies in the county and will con­tin­ue to ex­pand Crime L.A. as more agen­cies be­gin to provide data.

This is part of the Map­ping L.A. project, which launched in 2009 with The Times’ map of 87 neigh­bor­hoods in the city of Los Angeles, re­drawn with the help of read­ers who redrew with our ini­tial bound­ar­ies.




Click "HERE" for Up to date Los Angeles County crime statistics


Illustrating the Chicago values of murders, crime, and mayhem. For up to date crime statistics in the City of Chicago click the link below:









How safe is your state? It’s possible you might not have much to worry about — or maybe you should worry a little more. With all the reports about the latest shooting or some other violent crime, it’s understandable to be a little uneasy at times. In fact, the number of violent crimes increased by 5.3% during the first six months of 2016, according to the FBI’s semiannual uniform crime report. So how can you know whether the state you call home is safe enough?


WalletHub has conducted research on the safety levels of all 50 states. It based its safety score on factors, such as personal and residential safety, road safety, workplace safety, and emergency preparedness. Based on that research, we’ll take a look at the states that fell way below the mark when it comes to personal and residential safety. Here are the most dangerous states in America, according to WalletHub.


To read the rest of the full article click HERE

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